HS-Codes Category Description Recommending Authority Import/Export
0102.21 Live bovine animals. Pure-bred breeding animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
102.29 Live bovine animals. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
102.31 Live bovine animals. Pure-bred breeding animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
102.39 Live bovine animals. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
102.9 Live bovine animals. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
103.1 Live Swine. Pure-bred breeding animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
103.91 Live Swine. Weighing less than 50 kg Department of Animal Production and Health Import
103.92 Live Swine. Weighing 50 kg or more Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0104.10.10 Live sheep and goats Pure-bred breeding animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0104.10.90 Live sheep and goats Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0104.20.10 Live sheep and goats Pure-bred breeding animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0104.20.90 Live sheep and goats Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.11 Other live animals. Primates Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.12 Other live animals. Whales, dolphins and porpoises (Mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.13 Other live animals. Camels and other camelids (Camelidae) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.14 Other live animals. Rabbits and hares Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0106.19.90 Other live animals. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.2 Other live animals. Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.31 Other live animals. Birds of prey : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.32 Other live animals. Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.33 Other live animals. Ostriches; emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.39 Other live animals. Other : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
106.9 Other live animals. Other : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
201.1 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled. Carcasses and half-carcasses Department of Animal Production and Health Import
201.2 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled. Other cuts with bone in Department of Animal Production and Health Import
201.3 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled. Boneless Department of Animal Production and Health Import
202.1 Meat of bovine animals, Frozen. Carcasses and half-carcasses Department of Animal Production and Health Import
202.2 Meat of bovine animals, Frozen. Other cuts with bone in Department of Animal Production and Health Import
202.3 Meat of bovine animals, Frozen. Boneless Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.1 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Other meat of sheep, fresh or chilled : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.21 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Carcasses and half-carcasses Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.22 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Other cuts with bone in Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.23 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Boneless Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.3 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, frozen Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.41 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Carcasses and half-carcasses Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.42 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Other cuts with bone in Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.43 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Boneless Department of Animal Production and Health Import
204.5 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen. Meat of goats Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.10 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.21 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Tongues Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.22 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Livers Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.29 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.3 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Of swine, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.41 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Livers Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.49 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.8 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Other, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
206.9 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh chilled or frozen. Other, frozen Department of Animal Production and Health Import
208.3 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh , chilled or frozen. Of primates Import
208.4 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh , chilled or frozen. Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
208.5 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh , chilled or frozen. Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
208.6 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh , chilled or frozen. Of camels and other camelids (Camelidae) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0208.90.90 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh , chilled or frozen. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
210.2 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal. Meat of bovine animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
210.91 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal. Of primates Department of Animal Production and Health Import
210.92 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal. Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of Department of Animal Production and Health Import
210.93 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal. Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) Department of Animal Production and Health Import
210.99 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
303.54 Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 03.04. Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
408.11 Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. Dried Department of Animal Production and Health Import
408.91 Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. Dried Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0501.00.10 Human hair, un worked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair. Waste human hair Import
0506.10.10 Bones and horn-cores, un worked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised; powder and waste of these products. Waste Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0506.10.90 Bones and horn-cores, un worked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised; powder and waste of these products. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0506.90.10 Bones and horn-cores, un worked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised; powder and waste of these products. Waste Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0506.90.90 Bones and horn-cores, un worked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised; powder and waste of these products. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0510.00.10 Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides; bile, whether or not dried; glands and other animal products used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved. Ambergris Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0510.00.90 Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides; bile, whether or not dried; glands and other animal products used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
511.1 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Bovine semen Department of Animal Production and Health Import
511.91 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Product of fish or crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic invertebrates; dead animals of chapter 3 : Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0511.91.10 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Fish waste Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0511.91.90 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Other Department of Animal Production and Health, Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Authority Resourses Import
0511.99.10 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Fellmongery waste Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0511.99.20 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Swine semen Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0511.99.30 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Goat semen Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0511.99.40 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Embryos Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0511.99.90 Animal products not elsewhere specified or included; dead animals of chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human consumption. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0801.31.10 Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried whether or not shelled or peeled. Fresh Agriculture Department Import
0801.31.90 Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried whether or not shelled or peeled. Other Agriculture Department Import
0902.10.13 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.10.19 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.10.23 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.10.29 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.10.33 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.10.39 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.20.13 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.20.19 Tea, whether or not flavored. Otherr Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.20.23 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.20.29 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.20.93 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.20.99 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.30.13 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.30.19 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.30.23 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.30.29 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.30.33 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.30.39 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.40.13 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.40.19 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.40.23 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.40.29 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.40.93 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other, flavored Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
0902.40.99 Tea, whether or not flavored. Other Sri Lanka Tea Board Import
1005.1 Maize (corn). Seed Department of Agriculture Import
1005.9 Maize (corn). Other Department of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1006.1 Rice. Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) Department of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1213.00.10 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets : Waste straw Import
1502.1 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of heading : Tallow Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1502.9 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of heading : Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1602.1 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Homogenized preparations Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1602.2 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Of liver of any animal Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1602.39 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1602.49 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Other , including mixtures Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1602.5 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Of bovine animals Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1602.9 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Other, including preparations of blood of any animal Department of Animal Production and Health Import
1604.11 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Salmon Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.12 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Herrings Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.13 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.14 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.) Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.15 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Mackerel Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.16 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Anchovies Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.17 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Eels Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.19 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Other Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1604.2 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Other prepared or preserved fish Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resourses, Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
1703.1 Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar. Cane molasses Sri Lanka Excise Department Import
1703.9 Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar. Other Import
2104.1 Soups and broths and preparations therefore; homogenized composite food preparations. Soups and broths and preparations therefore Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2104.2 Soups and broths and preparations therefore; homogenized composite food preparations. Homogenized composite food preparations Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2202.99.20 Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavored, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading Beverages approved as drugs by National Medicine Regulatory Authority (NMRA) Import
2202.99.30 Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavored, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading Beverages put up for retail sales as “Energy Drinks” Sri Lanka Standards Institute, Test Report (ITI/ SGS) Import
2207.1 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength. Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher Department of Exise Import
2207.2 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength. Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength : Import
2207.20.10 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength. Spirits denatured in accordance with regulations framed under the Excise Ordinance Import
2207.20.20 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength. Spirits citronella imported for testing citronella oil; industrial spirits imported for de-icing aircraft Import
2207.20.90 Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength. Other Import
2301.1 Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2307.00.10 Wine lees; argol: Wine lees Import
2307.00.20 Wine lees; argol: Argol Import
2309.1 Preparation of a kind used in animal feeding. Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2309.90.30 Preparation of a kind used in animal feeding. Poultry feed Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2309.90.90 Preparation of a kind used in animal feeding. Other Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
10/10/2504 Natural graphite. Waste Import
2504.90.10 Natural graphite. Waste Import
10/10/2505 Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured, other than metal bearing sands of Chapter 26. Waste Central Environment Authority Import
2514.00.10 Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape : Waste Central Environment Authority Import
2524.90.90 Asbestos. Other Import
2524.90.20 Asbestos. Chrysotile Import
2525.3 Mica, including splitting; mica waste. Mica waste Central Environment Authority Import
10/10/2529 Feldspar; leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar. Waste Import
2529.21.10 Feldspar; leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar. Waste Import
2529.30.10 Feldspar; leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar. Waste Import
2530.90.10 Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. Natural arsenic sulphides Central Environment Authority Import
2530.90.20 Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. Broken concrete Import
2612.1 Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates. Uranium ores and concentrates Import
2612.2 Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates. Thorium ores and concentrates Import
2620.11 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Hard zinc spelter Import
2620.19 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Other Central Environment Authority or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2620.29 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Other Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2620.3 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Containing mainly copper Central Environment Authority or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2620.4 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Containing mainly aluminium Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2620.99.10 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Tantalum-bearing tin slag with less than 0.5% tin Import
2620.99.20 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Slag from zinc production, chemically stabilized having a high iron content (above 20%) and processed according to industrial specifications Import
2620.99.30 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Spent catalysts containing transition metals and rare earth metals Import
2620.99.90 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Other Import
2621.1 Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp): ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste. Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste Central Environment Authority Import
2621.90.10 Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp): ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste. Coal-fired power plant fly-ash Central Environment Authority Import
2621.90.90 Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp): ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste. Other Central Environment Authority Import
12/10/2710 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Aviation spirit Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
12/20/2710 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Petrol Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
12/30/2710 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Motor spirit other than petrol Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.12.40 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Spirit type jet fuel Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.12.90 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Other Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.10 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Kerosene other than kerosene type jet fuel Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.20 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Kerosene type jet fuel Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.30 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Other medium oils and preparations Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.40 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Gas oil / Diesel Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.60 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Fuel oil Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.70 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Lubricating oils (base-oils) for the preparation of lubricants Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.80 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Lubricants Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2710.19.90 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Other Marine Environment Protection Authority Import
2710.99 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Other Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.11 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Natural gas Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.12 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Propane Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.13 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Butanes Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.14 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Ethylene, Propylene, Butylenes and Butadiene Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.19.10 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Liquefied petroleum gas Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.19.90 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Other Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.21 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Natural gas Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2711.29 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. Other Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2713.2 Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. Petroleum bitumen Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2804.50.10 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals. Tellurium waste and scrap Central Environment Authority Import
2804.7 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals. Phosphorus Central Environment Authority Import
2804.8 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals. Arsenic Registrar of Pesticides Import
2804.90.10 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals. Waste and scrap Central Environment Authority Import
2805.30.10 Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or inter alloyed; mercury. Waste and scrap of rare-earth metals Import
2806.1 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid); chloro sulphuric acid. Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) Precursor Control Authority Import
2811.12 Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals. Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.11 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Carbonyl dichloride (Phosgene) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.12 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Phosphorus oxychloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.13 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Phosphorus trichloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.14 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Phosphorus pentachloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.15 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Sulphur monochloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.16 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Sulphur dichloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2812.17 Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. Thionyl chloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2825.1 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts; other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides. Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts Central Environment Authority Import
2829.11 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates. Of sodium Central Environment Authority Import
2829.19 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2829.9 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates. Other Central Environment Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2834.1 Nitrites; nitrates. Nitrites Ministry of Defence Import
2834.21 Nitrites; nitrates. Of potassium Ministry of Defence Import
2834.29.90 Nitrites; nitrates. Other Ministry of Defence Import
2841.61 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids. Potassium permanganates Precursor Control Authority Import
28742.90.30 Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically defined), other than azides. Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanatees Central Environment Authority Import
2843.3 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic compounds or precious metals, whether or not chemically defined; amalgams of precious metals. Gold compounds Import
2844.1 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products. Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compounds Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council Import
2844.2 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products. Uranium enriched in U 235 and its compounds; plutonium and its compounds; alloys, Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council Import
2844.3 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products. Uranium depleted in U 235 and its compounds; thorium and its compounds; alloys dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in U 235, thorium or compounds of these products Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council Import
2844.4 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products. Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of subheading 2844.10, 2844.20 or 2844.30; alloys, dispersions (including cermets) ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council Import
2844.5 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products. Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council Import
2845.1 Isotopes other than those of heading 28.44; compounds, inorganic or organic, of such isotopes, whether or not chemically defined. Heavy water (deuterium oxide) Central Environment Authority Import
2845.9 Isotopes other than those of heading 28.44; compounds, inorganic or organic, of such isotopes, whether or not chemically defined. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2852.1 Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury, whether or not chemically defined, excluding amalgams. Chemically defined Central Environment Authority Import
2852.9 Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury, whether or not chemically defined, excluding amalgams. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2853.1 Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus; other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals. Cyanogen chloride (Chlorcyan) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2902.3 Cyclic hydrocarbons. Toluene Precursor Control Authority Import
2903.31 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Ethylene dibromide (ISO) (1,2 - dibromoethane) Import
2903.39.10 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromomethane (methyl bromide) Import
2903.39.40 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. 1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)-1- Propene Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2903.71 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-difluoro-methane National Ozone Unit Import
2903.72 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-trifluoro-ethane National Ozone Unit Import
2903.73 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-fluoro-ethane National Ozone Unit Import
2903.74 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-difluoro-ethane Import
2903.75 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-pentafluoro-propane Import
2903.77.11 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-fluoro-methane Import
2903.77.13 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-fluoro-methane Import
2903.77.21 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro- fluoro-ethane Import
2903.77.22 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-trifluoro-ethane Import
2903.77.23 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-tetrafluoro-ethane Import
2903.77.25 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-difluoro-ethane National Ozone Unit Import
2903.77.31 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Trichloro-fluoro-ethane Import
2903.77.32 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Trichloro- difluoro-ethane Import
2903.77.34 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrachloro-fluoro-ethane Import
2903.77.41 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-fluoro-propane Import
2903.77.42 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-difluoro-propane Import
2903.77.43 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-trifluoro-propane Import
2903.77.44 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-tetrafluoro-propane Import
2903.77.45 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-pentafluoro-propane Import
2903.77.46 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chloro-hexafluoro-propane Import
2903.77.51 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-fluoro-propane Import
2903.77.52 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-difluoro-propane Import
2903.77.53 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-trifluoro-propane Import
2903.77.54 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dichloro-tetrafluoro-propane Import
2903.77.61 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Trichloro-fluoro-propane Import
2903.77.62 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Trichloro- difluoro-propane Import
2903.77.63 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Trichloro- trifluoro-propane Import
2903.77.64 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Trichloro-tetrafluoro-propane Import
2903.77.66 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrachloro-fluoro-propane Import
2903.77.67 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrachloro- difluoro-propane Import
2903.77.68 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrachloro- trifluoro-propane Import
2903.77.71 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentachloro-fluoro-propane Import
2903.77.72 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentachloro-difluoro-propane Import
2903.77.74 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Hexachloro-fluoro-propane Import
2903.77.80 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other hydrocarbons with more than three carbon atoms, perhalogenated only with chlorine and one or more fluorine atoms :Other hydrocarbons with more than three carbon atoms, perhalogenated only with chlorine and one or more fluorine atoms :Other hydrocarb Import
2903.78.12 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-dichloro-methane Import
2903.78.13 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-trichloro-methane Import
2903.78.14 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-chloro-methane Import
2903.78.15 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-dichloro-methane Import
2903.78.16 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-chloro-methane Import
2903.78.21 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-chloro-ethane Import
2903.78.22 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-dichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.23 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-trichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.24 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-tetrachloro-ethane Import
2903.78.25 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-Pentachloro-ethane Import
2903.78.31 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-chloro-ethane Import
2903.78.32 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-dichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.33 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-trichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.34 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-tetrachloro-ethane Import
2903.78.35 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-chloro-ethane Import
2903.78.36 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-dichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.37 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-trichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.38 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrabromo-chloro-ethane and Tetrabromo - dichloro-ethane Import
2903.78.39 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentabromo-chloro-ethane Import
2903.78.41 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-chloro-propane Import
2903.78.42 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-dichloro-propane Import
2903.78.43 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-trichloro-propane Import
2903.78.44 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-tetrachloro-propane Import
2903.78.45 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-Pentachloro-propane Import
2903.78.46 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-hexachloro-propane Import
2903.78.47 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Bromo-heptachloro-propane Import
2903.78.51 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-chloro-propane (DBCP) Import
2903.78.52 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-dichloro-propane Import
2903.78.53 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-trichloro-propane Import
2903.78.54 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-tetrachloro-propane Import
2903.78.55 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-pentachloro-propane Import
2903.78.56 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Dibromo-hexachloro-propane Import
2903.78.61 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-chloro-propane Import
2903.78.62 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-dichloro-propane Import
2903.78.63 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-trichloro-propane Import
2903.78.64 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-tetrachloro-propane Import
2903.78.65 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tribromo-pentachloro-propane Import
2903.78.66 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrabromo-chloro-propane Import
2903.78.67 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrabromo-dichloro-propane Import
2903.78.68 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrabromo-trichloro-propane Import
2903.78.69 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Tetrabromo-tetrachloro-propane Import
2903.78.71 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentabromo-chloro-propane Import
2903.78.72 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentabromo-dichloro-propane Import
2903.78.73 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentabromo-trichloro-propane Import
2903.78.74 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Hexabromo-chloro-propane Import
2903.78.75 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Hexabromo-dichloro-propane Import
2903.78.76 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Heptabromo-chloro-propane Import
2903.78.77 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other hydrocarbons containing four or more carbon atoms respectively, perhalogenated only with bromine and chlorine :Other hydrocarbons containing four or more carbon atoms respectively, perhalogenated only with bromine and chlorine : Import
2903.78.81 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of methane with one, two or three bromine atoms respectively, and one or more fluorine atoms, the following :Bromo-trifluoro-methaneDibromo-difluoro-methaneTribromo-fluoro-methane Import
2903.78.82 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of ethane, with one bromine atom and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Bromo-pentafluoro-ethane Import
2903.78.83 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of ethane, with two bromine atoms and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Dibromo-tetrafluoro-ethane Import
2903.78.84 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other derivatives of ethane with three or more bromine atoms and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Tribromo-trifluoro-ethaneTetrabromo-difluoro-ethanePentabromo-fluoro-ethaneOther derivatives of ethane with three or more bromine atoms and one or more fl Import
2903.78.85 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of propane, with one bromine atom and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Bromo-heptafluoro-propane Import
2903.78.86 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of propane, with two bromine atoms and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Dibromo-hexafluoro-propane Import
2903.78.87 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of propane, with three bromine atoms and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Tribromo-pentafluoro-propane Import
2903.78.88 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Derivatives of propane, with four bromine atoms and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Tetrabromo-tetrafluoro-propane Import
2903.78.89 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other derivatives of propane, with five or six bromine atoms respctively and one or more fluorine atoms, namely :Pentabromo-triflouro-propaneHexabromo-diflouro-propaneHepatabromo-flouro-propaneOther derivatives of propane, with five or six bromine atoms Import
2903.78.90 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other hydrocarbons containing four or more carbon atoms perhalogenated with bromine and fluoine : Import
Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons: Import
2903.81 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH (ISO)), including lindane (ISO, INN) Import
2903.82 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) and heptachlor (ISO) Import
2903.83 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Mirex (ISO) Import
2903.89 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other: Import
2903.89.10 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Toxaphene (Camphechlor) Import
2903.89.90 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other Import
2903.91 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and p- dichlorobenzene Central Environment Authority Import
2903.92.10 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Hexachlorobenzene (ISO) Central Environment Authority Import
2903.92.20 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. DDT (ISO) (clofenotane (INN), 1,1,1-trichloro- 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane) Central Environment Authority Import
2903.93 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Pentachlorobenzene (ISO) Central Environment Authority Import
2903.99.19 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2903.99.90 Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2904.20.10 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Nitrated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbon Central Environment Authority Import
2904.31 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Perfluorooctane sulphonic acid Central Environment Authority Import
2904.32 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Ammonium perfluorooctane sulphonate Central Environment Authority Import
2904.33 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Lithium perfluorooctane sulphonate Central Environment Authority Import
2904.34 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Potassium perfluorooctane sulphonate Central Environment Authority Import
2904.35 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Other salts of perfluorooctane sulphonic acid Central Environment Authority Import
2904.36 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Perfluorooctane sulphonyl fluoride Central Environment Authority Import
2904.91 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Trichloro nitro methane (chloropicrin) Central Environment Authority Import
2904.99 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2905.11 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Methanol (methyl alcohol) Department of Exise Import
2905.51 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Ethchlorvynol (INN) Department of Exise Import
2905.59 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Other Department of Exise Import
2908.11 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. Pentachlorophenol (ISO) Central Environment Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health or National Medicine Regulatory Authority Import
2908.19.10 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. Pentachlorophenol salts (ISO) Central Environment Authority Import
2908.19.90 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2908.91 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. Dinoseb (ISO) and its salts Central Environment Authority Import
2908.92 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC (ISO)) and its salts Central Environment Authority Import
2908.99.10 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.11 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Diethyl ether Precursor Control Authority Import
2909.19.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.20.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.30.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.30.91 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Import
2909.30.92 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Pentabromodiphenyl ether Import
2909.30.93 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Hexabromodiphenyl ether Import
2909.30.94 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Heptabromodiphenyl ether Import
2909.41.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.43.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.44.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.49.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Import
2909.50.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Central Environment Authority Import
2909.60.10 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alchol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined) and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Nitrated derivatives Central Environment Authority Import
2910.1 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Oxirane (ethylene oxide) Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2910.2 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) Import
2910.3 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2910.4 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Dieldrin (ISO,INN) Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
2910.5 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Endrin (ISO) Import
2910.9 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Other Import
2912.11 Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde. Methanal (formaldehyde) Central Environment Authority Import
2914.11 Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Acetone Precursor Control Authority Import
2914.12 Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) Precursor Control Authority Import
2914.31 Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Phenylacetone (Phenylpropan-2-one) Precursor Control Authority Import
2914.71 Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Chlordecone (ISO) Import
derivatives. Import
2915.24 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Acetic anhydride Precursor Control Authority Import
2915.36 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Dinoseb (ISO) acetate Import
2916.16 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Binapacryl(ISO) Precursor Control Authority Import
2916.34 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Phenylacetic acid and its salts Import
2918.17 Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. 2,2-Diphenyl-2-hydroxyacetic aid (benzilic acid) Import
2918.18 Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Chlorobenzilate (ISO) Import
2918.19 Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Other : Import
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Other : Import
2918.91 Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. 2,4,5-T (ISO) (2,4,5-Trichlorophennoxyacetic acid), its salts and esters Import
2919.1 Phosphoric esters and their salts, including lactophosphates; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. Tris (2,3- dibromopropyl) phosphate Import
2920.11 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Parathion (ISO) and parathion -methyl (ISO) (methyl-parathion) Import
2920.19 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Other : Import
2920.19.10 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Fenithrothian and other nitrated derivatives Import
2920.21 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Dimethyl Phosphite Import
2920.22 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Diethyl Phosphite Import
2920.23 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Trimethyl Phosphite Import
2920.24 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Triethyl Phosphite Import
2920.3 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Endosulfan (ISO) Import
2920.9 Esters of other inorganic acids of non-metals (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives. Other Import
2921.12 Amine-function compounds. 2-(N,N-Dimethylamino)ethylchloride hydrochloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2921.13 Amine-function compounds. 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethylchloride hydrochloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2921.14 Amine-function compounds. 2-(N,N-Diisoprpylamino)ethylchloride hydrochloride Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2921.19 Amine-function compounds. Other Import
2921.41 Amine-function compounds. Aniline and its salts Cosmetics, Devices and Drugs Authority Import
2921.42 Amine-function compounds. Aniline derivatives and their salts Central Environment Authority Import
2921.43 Amine-function compounds. Toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof Import
2921.44 Amine-function compounds. Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof Central Environment Authority Import
2921.45 Amine-function compounds. 1-Naphthylamine (alpha -naphthylamine ), 2- naphthylamine (beta-naphthylamine) and their derivatives; salts thereof Central Environment Authority Import
2921.46 Amine-function compounds. Amfetamine (INN) , benzfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN) etilamfetamine (INN) , fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN) levamfetamine (INN) , mefenorex(INN) and phenetermine (INN); salts thereof Import
2921.49 Amine-function compounds. Other Import
2922.15 Oxygen - function amino- compounds. Triethanolamine Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2922.16 Oxygen - function amino- compounds. Diethanolammonium perfluorooctane sulphonate Import
2922.17 Oxygen - function amino- compounds. Methyldiethanolamine and ethyldiethanolamine Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2922.18 Oxygen - function amino- compounds. 2-(N,N-Diisopropylamino)ethanol Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2922.19 Oxygen - function amino- compounds. Other Import
2922.43 Oxygen - function amino- compounds. Anthranilic acid and its salts Import
2924.11 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Meprobamate (INN) Central Environment Authority Import
2924.12 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Fluoroacetamide (ISO), monocrotophos (ISO) and Central Environment Authority Import
2924.19 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Other Central Environment Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
2924.21 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof Central Environment Authority Import
2924.23.10 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N-acetylanthranilic acid) Import
2924.23.20 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Salts of 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N- acetylanthranilic acid) Import
2924.24 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Ethinamate (INN) Central Environment Authority Import
2924.25 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Alachlor (ISO) Central Environment Authority Import
2924.29.10 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Metalaxyl Import
2924.29.20 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Fenobucarb (2-sec-butylphenyl methylcarbamate) Import
2924.29.30 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Propanyl Import
2924.29.40 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Propoxur Import
2924.29.90 Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide- function compounds of carbonic acid. Other Central Environment Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health or National Medicine Regulatory Authority Import
2925.21 Carboxyimide-function compounds (including saccharin and its salts) and imine- function compounds. Chlordimeform (ISO) Central Environment Authority Import
2925.29 Carboxyimide-function compounds (including saccharin and its salts) and imine- function compounds. Other National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Central Environment Authority Import
2929.1 Compounds with other nitrogen function. Isocyanates Central Environment Authority Import
2929.9 Compounds with other nitrogen function. Other Department of Animal Production and Health or Central Environment Authority Import
2930.6 Organo - sulphur compounds. 2-(N,N-Diethylamino) ethanethiol Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2930.7 Organo - sulphur compounds. Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) sulfide (thiodiglycol (INN)) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2930.8 Organo - sulphur compounds. Aldicarb (ISO), Captafol (ISO) and methamidophos (ISO) Import
2930.90.10 Organo - sulphur compounds. Malathion Import
10/10/2931 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Tetraethyl lead Import
10/20/2931 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Tetramethyl lead Import
2931.2 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Tributyltin compounds Import
2931.31 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Dimethyl methyl phosphonate Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2931.32 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Dimethyl propylphosphonate Import
2931.33 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Diethyl ethylphosphonate Import
2931.34 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Sodium 3-(thrihydroxysilyl) propyl methylphosphonate Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2931.35 Other organo-inorganic compounds. 2,4,6-Tripropyl-1,3,5,2,4,6-trioxatriphosphinane Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2931.36 Other organo-inorganic compounds. (5-Ethyl-2- methyl-2-oxido- 1,3,2- dioxaphosphinan-5-yl) methyl methyl methylphosphonate Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2931.37 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Bis[(5-ethyl-2-methyl-2-oxido-1,3,2- dioxaphosphinan-5-yl)methyl] methylphosphonate Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2931.38 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Salt of methylphosphonic acid and (aminoiminomethyl) urea (1:1) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2931.90.20 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Organo-mercury compound Import
2931.90.30 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Exolit OP 560 TP (phosphonic acid, methyl- polyglycol ester) Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
2932.91 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. Isosafrole Import
2932.92 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one Precursor Control Authority Import
2932.93 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. Piperonal Precursor Control Authority Import
2932.94 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. Safrole Precursor Control Authority Import
2932.99.10 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. Carbofuran Registrar of Pesticides Import
2932.99.20 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins Import
2932.99.30 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. Polychlorinated dibenzofurans(PCDD/PCDF) Import
2933.21 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Hydantoin and its derivatives Central Environment Authority Import
2933.32 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Piperidine and its salts Precursor Control Authority Import
2933.39 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Other : Precursor Control Authority Import
2933.39.20 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate(1-azabicyclo(2.2.2)oct- 3-yl hydroxy (diphenyl)acetate) Precursor Control Authority Import
2933.52 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Malonylurea (barbituric acid ) and its salts Import
2933.53 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Allobarbital (INN), amobarbital (INN), barbital (INN), butalbital (INN), butobarbital cyclobarbital (INN), methylphenobarbital (INN), pentobarbital (INN), phenobarbital (INN), secbutabarbital (INN), secobarbital (INN), and vinylbital (INN); salts thereofA Import
2933.54 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Other derivatives of malonylurea (barbituric acid); salts thereof Central Environment Authority Import
2933.59 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. Other Central Environment Authority Import
2939.41 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. Ephedrines and its salts: Precursor Control Authority Import
2939.42 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts Precursor Control Authority Import
2939.44 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. Norephedrine and its salts Precursor Control Authority Import
2939.61 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. Ergometrine (INN) and its salts Precursor Control Authority Import
2939.62 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. Ergotamine (INN) and its salts Precursor Control Authority Import
2939.63 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. Lysergic acid and its salts Precursor Control Authority Import
3001.2 Glands and other organs for organotherapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo- therapeutic uses; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not elsewhere specified or included. Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions Department of Animal Production and Health or National Fertilizer Secretariat Import
3001.9 Glands and other organs for organotherapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo- therapeutic uses; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not elsewhere specified or included. Other Department of Animal Production and Health or National Medicine Regulatory Authority or National Fertilizer Secretariat Import
3002.11 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Malaria diagnostic test kits Import
3002.12 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Antisera and other blood fractions National Medicine Regulatory Authority Import
3002.13 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Immunological products, unmixed, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale Import
3002.14 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Immunological products, mixed, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale Import
3002.15 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Immunological products, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale National Medicine Regulatory Authority Import
3002.19 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Other Import
3002.2 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Vaccines for human medicine Department of Animal Production and Health or National Medicine Regulatory Authoritym or Import
3002.3 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Vaccines for veterinary medicine National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3002.9 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Other : National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3002.90.10 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Saxitoxin ([(4R)-10,10-dihydroxy-2,6- diiminooctahydro-1H,8H-pyrrolo [1,2-c] purin-4- yl] methyl carbamate) National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
3002.90.90 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera, other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro- organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. Other National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Import
3003.1 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillannic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivativesContaining penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillannic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivativesContaining pe National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3003.2 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Other, containing aniti-biotics National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3003.31 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Containing insulin National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3003.39 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Other National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3003.41 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Containing ephedrine or its salts Import
3003.42 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Containing Pseudophedrine (INN) or its salts Import
3003.43 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Containing norephedrine or its salts Import
3003.49 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Other Import
3003.90.11 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Schedule 01 preparations certified by the commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3003.90.12 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Schedule 02 preparations certified by the commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3003.90.13 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Schedule 03 preparations certified by the commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3003.90.14 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Schedule 04 preparations certified by the commissioner of Ayurveda Import
3003.90.15 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Schedule 05 preparations certified by the commissioner of Ayurveda Import
3003.90.19 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Other Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3003.90.90 prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. Other Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.1 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Containing penicillin or derivatives thereof, with a penicillin acid structure, or streptomycin or their derivativesContaining penicillin or derivatives thereof, with a penicillin acid structure, or streptomycin or their derivatives National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.2 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Other, containing antibiotics National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.31 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Containing inculin National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.32 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives or structural analogues National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.39 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.41 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Containing ephedrine or its salts Import
3004.42 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Containing pseudoephedrine (INN) or its salts Import
3004.43 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Containing norephedrine or its salts Import
3004.49 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Other Import
3004.5 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Other, containing vitamins or other products of National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.90.11 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Schedule 01 preparations certified by the Commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3004.90.12 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Schedule 02 preparations certified by the Commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department or National Medicine Regulatory Authority Import
3004.90.13 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Schedule 03 preparations certified by the Commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3004.90.14 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Schedule 04 preparations certified by the Commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3004.90.15 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Schedule 05 preparations certified by the Commissioner of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Department Import
3004.90.19 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Other Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.90.20 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Antineoplastics and immunosuppressives Ayurvedic Department or National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3004.90.90 Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packing for retail sale. Other Ayurvedic Department or National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Homeopathy Council Import
3006.1 Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials (including sterile absorbable surgical or dental yarns) and sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable surgical or dental National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3006.2 Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. Blood-grouping reagents National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3006.3 Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
3403.19.10 Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release preparations, anti- rust or anti- corrosion preparations and mould release preparations, based on lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or grease treatment of textile materials, leather, fur skins or other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as basis constituents, 70% or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. Lubricants used for motor vechicles Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
3403.99.10 Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release preparations, anti- rust or anti- corrosion preparations and mould release preparations, based on lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or grease treatment of textile materials, leather, fur skins or other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as basis constituents, 70% or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. Lubricants used for motor vechicles Ministry of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development Import
3603.00.10 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators. Safety fuses Ministry of Defense Import
3603.00.20 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators. Detonating fuses Ministry of Defense Import
3603.00.30 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators. Percussion caps Ministry of Defense Import
3603.00.40 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators. Detonating caps Ministry of Defense Import
3603.00.50 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators. Igniters Ministry of Defense Import
3603.00.60 Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators. Electric detonators Ministry of Defense Import
3604.1 Fireworks, signaling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles. Fireworks Ministry of Defense Import
3604.9 Fireworks, signaling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles. Other Ministry of Defense Import
3801.9 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi- colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi- manufactures. Other : Import
3801.90.10 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi- colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi- manufactures. Waste anode butts made of petroleum coke or bitumen Import
10/10/3802 Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products; animal black, including spent animal black. Spent Import
3808.59.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Mosquito coils Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.59.20 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other insecticides Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.59.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.69.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Mosquito coils Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.69.20 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other insecticides Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.69.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.91.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Mosquito coils Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.91.20 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other containing bromomethane(methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.91.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.92.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.92.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.93.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane Registrar of Pesticides Import
3808.93.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Import
3808.94 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Disinfectants : Registrar of Pesticides or Department of Agriculture Import
3808.94.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane Registrar of Pesticides or Department of Agriculture Import
3808.94.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Import
3808.99 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other : Import
3808.99.10 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide) or bromochloromethane Import
3808.99.90 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti- sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). Other Import
3824.71 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), whether or not containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or hydroflurocarbons (HFCs) National Ozone Unit Import
3824.72 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Containing bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane or Dibromotetrafluoromethanes National Ozone Unit Import
3824.73 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Containing hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs) National Ozone Unit Import
3824.74 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), whether or not containing perflurocarbons (PFCs) or hydroflurocarbons (HFCs), but not containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) National Ozone Unit Import
3834.75 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Containing carbon tetrachloride National Ozone Unit Import
3824.77 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide ) or bromochloromethane National Ozone Unit Import
3824.79 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. Other National Ozone Unit Import
3824.99.10 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparation of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included. De-activated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal food National Ozone Unit Import
3825.1 Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included; municipal waste; sewage sludge; other wastes specified in Note 6 to this Chapter. Municipal waste Import
3915.1 Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics. Of polymers of ethylene Central Environment Authority Import
3915.2 Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics. Of polymers of styrene Central Environment Authority Import
3915.3 Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics. Of polymers of vinyl chloride Central Environment Authority Import
3915.9 Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics. Of other plastics Central Environment Authority Import
3923.10.40 Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics. Polystyrene Boxes, Disposable Central Environment Authority Import
3926.9 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings 39.01 to 39.14. Other : National Medicine Regulatory Authority Import
3926.90.80 Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings 39.01 to 39.14. Hardened gelatin capsules National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health Import
4004.00.10 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained there from : Scrap of unhardened rubber obtained from rejected or worn out tyres and curing bags Import
4004.00.20 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained there from : Scrap and waste of micro cellular Import
4004.00.90 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained there from : Other Central Environment Authority Import
4012.11 Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) Import
4012.12 Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. Of a kind used on busses or lorries Import
4012.13 Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. Of a kind used on aircraft Import
4012.19 Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. Other Import
4012.2 Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. Used pneumatic tyres Import
4017.00.10 Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all forms, including waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber: Waste and scraps Import
fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls; parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour. Import
4115.2 Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls; parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour. Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour Import
4707.9 Recovered (waste and scraps) paper or paperboard. Other including unsorted waste and scrap Central Environment Authority Import
4813.1 Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes. In the form of booklets or tubes Not Applicable Import
4813.2 Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes. In rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm Not Applicable Import
4813.9 Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes. Other Not Applicable Import
5103.1 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garneted stock. Noels of wool or of fine animal hair Import
5103.2 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garneted stock. Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair Import
5103.3 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garneted stock. Waste of coarse animal hair Import
5202.1 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garneted stocks). Yarn waste (including thread waste) Import
5202.91 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garneted stocks). Garneted stocks Import
5202.99 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garneted stocks). Other Central Environment Authority Import
5301.3 Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garneted stock). Flax tow and waste Import
5302.90.10 True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garneted stock). Tow and waste Import
5303.90.10 Jute and other textile baste fibers (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibers (including yarn waste and garneted stock). Tow and waste Import
5505.1 Waste (including noels, yarn waste and garneted stock) of man-made fibers. Of synthetic fibers Import
5505.2 Waste (including noels, yarn waste and garneted stock) of man-made fibers. Of artificial fibers Import
11/10/5608 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up fishing nets and other made up nets, of textile materials Of monofilament Department of Animal Production and Health Import
10/11/5804 Tulles and other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs, other than fabrics of heading 60.02 to 60.06. Of monofilament Department of Animal Production and Health Import
6309.00.10 Worn clothing and other worn articles. Blankets (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
6309.00.90 Worn clothing and other worn articles. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
10/10/6310 Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials. Used Not Applicable Import
6310.10.90 Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials. Other (Suspended License) Import
6310.90.10 Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials. Used Import
6310.90.90 Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
10/30/6506 Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed. Special safety helmets of the kind worn during motor vehicle/motor cycle racing or sporting events, or for special purposes such as security activities, imported subject to SLS -517 (Category - A) standard Not Applicable Import
6506.10.40 Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed. Sporting safety helmets (elongated helmets) of the kind worn push-bicycle racing events Not Applicable Import
6506.10.50 Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed. Half helmets (not covering the back of the skull) of the kind worn by motorcyclists Not Applicable Import
6506.10.90 Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed. Other Not Applicable Import
Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials; mixtures and articles of heat-insulating, sound-insulating or Import
sound-absorbing mineral materials, other than those of heading 68.11 or 68.12 or of Chapter 69. Import
10/10/6806 Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials; mixtures and articles of heat-insulating, sound-insulating or sound-absorbing mineral materials, other than those of heading 68.11 or 68.12 or of Chapter 69. Ceramic fiber waste Import
11/10/6809 Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster. Waste gypsum wallboard or plaster boarding arising from the demolishing of building Import
6809.19.10 Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster. Waster gypsum wallboard or laster board arising from the demolishing of building Import
11/10/6811 Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. Concrete cement blocks encasing industrial waste sludge Import
6810.99 Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. Other : Import
6810.99.10 Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. Concrete cement blocks encasing industrial waste sludge Import
7001.00.10 Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass. Waste and scrap containing lithium -tantalum and lithium niobium Import
7001.00.90 Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass. Other Import
7108.2 Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form. Monetary Import
7112.30.90 Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious Metal. Other Import
7112.99 Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious Metal. Other Import
7118.1 Coin (#). Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender Sri Lanka Central Bank Import
7118.90.90 Coin (#). Other Import
7204.1 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Waste and scrap of cast iron Central Environment Authority or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
7204.21 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Of stainless steel Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
7204.29 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Other Ministry of Industry & Commerce or Central Environment Authority Import
7204.3 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel Central Environment Authority or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
7204.41 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
7204.49 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Other Central Environment Authority or Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
7204.5 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Remelting scrap ingots Ministry of Industry & Commerce Import
8101.97 Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8102.97 Molybdenum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8103.3 Tantalum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8104.2 Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8105.3 Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8106.00.10 Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8107.3 Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8108.3 Titanium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8109.3 Zirconium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8110.2 Antimony and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8111.00.10 Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8112.13 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium, and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8112.52 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium, and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8112.92.10 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium, and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap of germanium, vanadium, hafnium, indium, niobium, rhenium and gallium Import
8113.00.10 Cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Import
8401.1 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), non- irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation. Nuclear reactors National Ozone Unit Import
8401.4 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), non- irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation. Parts of nuclear reactors National Ozone Unit Import
8407.31.10 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines. Two-stroke petrol engines of a kind used for the propulsion of auto- trishaws (three-wheelers) (Suspended License) Import
8407.32.10 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines. Two-stroke petrol engines of a kind used for the propulsion of auto- trishaws (three-wheelers) (Suspended License) Import
8407.33.10 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines. Two-stroke petrol engines of a kind used for the propulsion of auto- trishaws (three-wheelers) (Suspended License) Import
8408.1 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). Marine propulsion engines Import
8408.20.10 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). Used Import
8408.90.10 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). Used Import
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading 84.07 or 84.08. Other : Import
8409.91.10 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading 84.07 or 84.08. Engine blocks, and cylinder heads for two-strokepetrol engines of a kind used for the propulsion of auto-trishaws (three-wheelers) (Suspended License) Import
10/10/8415 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned Not Applicable Import
8415.20.10 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8415.81.10 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)National Ozone Unit Import
8415.82.10 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)National Ozone Unit Import
8415.83.10 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)National Ozone Unit Import
8415.90.11 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8415.90.19 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Other Not Applicable Import
8415.90.21 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Used / reconditioned Not Applicable Import
8415.90.29 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor- driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. Other Not Applicable Import
10/10/8418 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.21.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.29.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Used / reconditioned absorption-type, electrical National Ozone Unit Import
8418.29.30 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Other used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.30.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Not exceeding 566 l used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.30.30 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Other, used/reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.40.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Not exceeding 566l used/reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.40.30 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Other, used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.50.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.61 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15 National Ozone Unit Import
8418.69.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Cabinet and chest type refrigerators exceeding 566 l and below 850 l used / reconditioned National Ozone Unit Import
8418.69.30 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Blast-freezers for preserving poultry meat used / reconditioned Not Applicable Import
8418.69.50 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Milk chilling tanks used / reconditioned Not Applicable Import
8418.69.70 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Other, used/ reconditioned Not Applicable Import
Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. Import
8443.31.10 Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 84.42; other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined; parts and accessories thereof. Combined with multi-colour copying machines Ministry of Defense Import
8443.32.10 Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 84.42; other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined; parts and accessories thereof. Multi-colour copying machines Ministry of Defense Import
8443.39.10 Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 84.42; other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined; parts and accessories thereof. Multi-colour copying machines, whether or not combined with printers and / or facsimile machines Import
11/20/8450 Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. Used / reconditioned Ministry of Defense Import
12/20/8450 Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. Used / reconditioned Ministry of Defense Import
8450.19.20 Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License) Import
8471.30.10 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Ministry of Defense Import
8471.41.10 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Ministry of Defense Import
8471.49.10 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Ministry of Defense Import
8471.50.10 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data on to data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Ministry of Defense Import
networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. Import
12/10/8517 Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. Used / reconditioned cellular mobile telephones Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Import
12/20/8517 Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. Other, cellular mobile telephones Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Import
8517.12.90 Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. Other Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8517.61 Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. Base stations Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8517.62.10 Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. Transmission apparatus with or without reception apparatus Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8525.5 Transmission apparatus for radio- broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders. Transmission apparatus Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8525.6 Transmission apparatus for radio- broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders. Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8528.49.10 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio- broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8528.59.10 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio- broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8528.71.10 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio- broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License) Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8528.72.20 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio- broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8528.73.10 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio- broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. Used / reconditioned and completely knocked down with or without cathode ray tube (Suspended License)Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8528.73.30 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio- broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. Other, used / reconditioned (Suspended License)Telecommunication Regulatory Commission or Ministry of Defense Import
8536.69.22 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders and other connectors, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for optical fibers, optical fiber bundles or cables. Other Shaver sockets, Universal sockets and travel adaptors Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka or Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
8536.69.29 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders and other connectors, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for optical fibers, optical fiber bundles or cables. Other Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka or Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
8544.42.99 Insulated (including enameled or anodized) wire, cable (including co-axial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fiber cables, made up of individually sheathed fibers, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with Connectors. Other Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka or Sri Lanka Standards Institute Import
10/10/8548 Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary Ministry of Defense Import
10/20/8548 Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. Spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators Ministry of Defense Import
10/10/8701 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). More than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.20.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). More than five years old Not Applicable Import
8701.30.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). More than five years old Not Applicable Import
8701.91.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Agricultural tractors, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.91.40 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Other, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.92.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Agricultural tractors, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.92.40 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Other, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.93.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Agricultural tractors, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.93.40 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Other, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.94.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Agricultural tractors, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.94.40 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Other , more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.95.20 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Agricultural tractors, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8701.95.40 Tractors (other than tractors of heading 87.09). Other, more than ten years old Not Applicable Import
10/13/8702 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old Not Applicable Import
10/21/8702 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 Not Applicable Import
10/29/8702 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other Not Applicable Import
8702.10.13 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.10.41 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.49 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.54 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.61 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.69 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.74 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.81 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.10.89 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Motor vehicles for the transport of less than 13 persons (adults) including the driver, not more than three and a half years old : Not Applicable Import
8702.20.12 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.21 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.29 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.32 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.41 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.49 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.61 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.69 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.72 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.20.81 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.20.89 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.12 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.21 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.29 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.32 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.41 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.49 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8702.30.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.30.61 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.30.69 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.30.72 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.30.81 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.30.89 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.12 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.21 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.29 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.32 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.41 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.49 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.61 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.69 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.72 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.81 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.40.89 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.13 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.21 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.29 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.33 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.41 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.49 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.54 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.61 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.69 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.74 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.81 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Modified Vehicles of heading 87.03 (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8702.90.89 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
10/21/8703 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Electric Golf cars Not Applicable Import
10/29/8703 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other Not Applicable Import
8703.21.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.51 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. With two - stroke petrol engine (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.53 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, driven by liquefied petroleum (LP) gas, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.55 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.72 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, of cylinder capacity not exceeding 300 cc including Quadricycle (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.79 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.21.93 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.22.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.22.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.22.60 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.22.80 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.62 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,600 cc (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.23.65 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,600 cc, but not exceeding 1,800 cc (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.69 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.80 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racingcars of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.94 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.23.98 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2000cc., more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.24.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.24.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.24.60 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.24.80 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.31.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.31.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.31.60 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Auto - trishaws more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.31.80 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.31.94 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.63 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,600 cc (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.65 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,600 cc, but not exceeding 1,800 cc (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.69 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.32.80 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.97 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.32.99 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.33.20 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.33.40 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.33.60 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.33.80 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.12 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Supended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.14 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.16 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Auto-trishaws, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.19 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.22 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Go-cart , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.24 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Quadricycle of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 300 cc , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.26 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. All terrain vehicle (ATV) , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.29 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.32 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.34 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.36 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.39 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.42 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.44 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.49 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.52 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,600 cc,more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.54 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,600 cc, but not exceeding 1,800 cc , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.59 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.62 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.64 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.69 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.72 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.82 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.84 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.89 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.40.92 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.12 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.14 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.16 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Auto-trishaws, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.19 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.22 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Go-cart, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.24 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Quadricycle of cylinder capacity not exceeding 300 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.26 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. All terrain vehicle (ATV), more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.29 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.32 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.34 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.36 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.39 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.42 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.44 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.49 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.50.52 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,600 cc,more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.54 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,600 cc, but not exceeding 1,800 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.59 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.62 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.64 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.69 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.79 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.82 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.84 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.89 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.50.99 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.12 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.14 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.16 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Auto-trishaws, more than two years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.19 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.22 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Go-cart, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.24 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Quadricycle of cylinder capacity not exceeding 300 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.26 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. All terrain vehicle (ATV), more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.29 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.32 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.34 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.36 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.39 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.42 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.44 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.49 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.60.52 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,600 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.54 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,600 cc, but not exceeding 1,800 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.59 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.62 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.64 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.69 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.72 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.82 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.84 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.89 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.60.92 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Supended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.12 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.14 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.16 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Auto-trishaws, more than two years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.19 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.22 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Go-cart, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.24 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Quadricycle of cylinder capacity not exceeding 300 cc , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.26 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. All terrain vehicle (ATV), more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.29 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.32 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.34 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.36 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Motor cars including station wagons and racing cars, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.39 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.42 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.44 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.49 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.52 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,600 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.54 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,600 cc, but not exceeding 1,800 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.59 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.70.62 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Not Applicable Import
8703.70.64 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.70.69 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other , more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.70.79 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.70.82 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Ambulances and prison vans more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.70.84 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Hearses more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.70.89 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.70.99 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.41 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors not exceeding 50kW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.42 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors exceeding 50kW but not exceeding 100kW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.43 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors exceeding 100KW but not exceeding 200KW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.44 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors exceeding 200KW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.61 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors not exceeding 50KW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.62 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors exceeding 50KW but not exceeding 100KW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.63 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors exceeding 100KW but not exceeding 200KW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.64 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Capacity of motors exceeding 200KW (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.80.72 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8703.90.21 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. With wankel rotary engine (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8703.90.29 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Other (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8704.21.12 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Tankers / bowsers with stainless steel tanks for transport of milk, more than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.14 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Garbage trucks equipped with waste compacting mechanism, more than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.22 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Chassis fitted with engines and cabs: Not Applicable Import
8704.21.32 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.21.44, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.34 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.21.52, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.36 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.21.64, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.38 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.21.68, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.42 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Cargo carrying capacity of less than 800Kg, more than four year old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.44 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Cargo carrying capacity 800Kg or more, more than four year old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.62 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Vehicle fitted with front leaf springs and Cargocarrying capacity of less than 800 kg, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.64 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Vehicle fitted with front leaf springs and Cargo carrying capacity of 800 kg or more, more thanfour years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.66 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other vehicles, cargo carrying capacity of less than 800Kg, more than four year old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.68 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other vehicles, cargo carrying capacity of 800Kg or more, more than four year old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.72 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other : Not Applicable Import
8704.21.92 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other Vehicles with separate bodies for cabin and cargo area, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.21.99 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other vehicles, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.22.43 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.22.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.22.63 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.23.53 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.23.62 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.23.73 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.14 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Garbage trucks equipped with waste compacting mechanism, more than five year old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.21 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. With two stroke petrol engine (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.23 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other, more than four year old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.32 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.31.44, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.34 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.31.52, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.36 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.31.64, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.38 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. For vehicles of national subdivision 8704.31.68, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.42 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Cargo carrying capacity of less than 800kg, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.44 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Cargo carrying capacity of 800kg or more, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.62 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Vehicle fitted with front leaf springs and Cargocarrying capacity of less than 800 kg, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.64 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Vehicle fitted with front leaf springs and Cargo carrying capacity of 800 kg or more, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.66 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other vehicles, Cargo carrying capacity of less than 800kg, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.68 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other vehicles, Cargo carrying capacity of 800kg or more, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.72 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.92 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Vehicles with separate bodies for cabin and cargo area, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.31.99 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other vehicles, more than four years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.32.43 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.32.52 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.32.63 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.90.20 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Electric auto-trishaws more than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.90.40 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other electric, more than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8704.90.60 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. Other, more than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
10/20/8705 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than ten years old Not Applicable Import
8705.20.20 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than seven years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8705.30.20 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than seven years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8705.40.20 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8705.90.12 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than seven years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8705.90.22 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than seven years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8705.90.32 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) More than ten years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8705.90.92 Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) g.v.w. not exceeding 04 tones, more than seven years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8706.00.50 Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of heading 87.01 to 87.05. Used chassis fitted with engine (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
10/10/8707 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Used vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories Department of Motor Traffic Import
10/20/8707 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories Department of Motor Traffic Import
10/30/8707 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Used vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories excluding seats and upholstery Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.10.40 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories excluding seats and upholstery (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.10.50 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Rough coated, bare body frame with/ without doors, bonnet and boot lid (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.10.60 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Used bare body frame with /without doors , bonnet and boot lid (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.10.90 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.10 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Bodies and cabs incorporating attachments left over in the process of separating same from the main vehicle by cutting, but not meriting classification elsewhere by virtue of those left over attachments (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.41 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Used bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.42 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.43 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Used vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories excluding seats and upholstery (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.44 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other vehicle bodies fully equipped with fittings and accessories excluding seats and upholstery (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.48 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Rough coated, bare body frame with / without doors, bonnet and boot lid (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.49 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Used bare body frame with / without doors , bonnet and boot lid (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8707.90.90 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other (Suspended License) Department of Motor Traffic Import
8708.29.10 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. "Cut-portions" of bodies and cabs (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8708.70.10 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Rims fitted with tyres, showing signs of wear (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8708.99.30 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. Other used chassis not fitted with engines, but with or without fittings (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8708.99.40 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05. "Cut-portions" of motor vehicles (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
10/20/8711 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. More than three years old Ministry of Defense Import
8711.20.20 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 200 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.20.40 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License)Ministry of Defense Import
8711.30.20 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Exceeding 250 cc but not exceeding 350 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.30.40 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Exceeding 350 cc but not exceeding 450 cc more than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.30.60 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.40.20 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.50.20 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Exceeding 800cc but not exceeding 1000 cc, more than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.50.40 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. Other, more than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
8711.60.20 Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycle fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side- cars. More than three years old (Suspended License) Ministry of Defense Import
10/10/8714 Parts and accessories vehicles of headings 87.11 to 87.13 Frames, with or without front fork Not Applicable Import
10/20/8716 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. More than five years old Not Applicable Import
8716.20.20 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8716.31.20 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8716.39.20 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8716.40.20 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. More than five years old (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
8716.80.40 Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. Other more than five years old (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
8802.11 Other aircraft (for example, helicopters and aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles. Of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg Civil Aviation Authority Import
8802.12 Other aircraft (for example, helicopters and aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles. Of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg Civil Aviation Authority Import
8802.2 Other aircraft (for example, helicopters and aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles. Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg Civil Aviation Authority Import
8802.3 Other aircraft (for example, helicopters and aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles. Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg but not exceeding 15000 kg Civil Aviation Authority Import
8802.4 Other aircraft (for example, helicopters and aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles. Aeroplanes and other aircraft, of an unladen weight exceeding 15000 kg Civil Aviation Authority Import
8802.6 Other aircraft (for example, helicopters and aeroplanes); spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles. Spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles Civil Aviation Authority Import
8803.1 Parts of goods heading 88.01 or 88.02. Propellers and rotors and parts thereof Civil Aviation Authority Import
8803.2 Parts of goods heading 88.01 or 88.02. Under-carriages and parts thereof Civil Aviation Authority Import
8803.3 Parts of goods heading 88.01 or 88.02. Other parts of aeroplanes or helicopters Civil Aviation Authority Import
8803.9 Parts of goods heading 88.01 or 88.02. Other Civil Aviation Authority Import
8804.00.11 Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes and paragliders) and rotochutes; parts thereof and accessories thereto. Paragliders Civil Aviation Authority Import
8804.00.19 Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes and paragliders) and rotochutes; parts thereof and accessories thereto. Other Civil Aviation Authority Import
8804.00.90 Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes and paragliders) and rotochutes; parts thereof and accessories thereto. Other Civil Aviation Authority Import
8805.1 Aircraft launching gear; deck -arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles. Aircraft launching gear and part thereof ; deck arrestor or similar gear and parts thereof Civil Aviation Authority Import
8805.21 Aircraft launching gear; deck -arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles. Air combat simulators and parts thereof Civil Aviation Authority Import
8805.29 Aircraft launching gear; deck -arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles. Other Civil Aviation Authority Import
9301.1 Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms of heading 93.07. Artillery weapons (for example, guns, howitzers and mortars) Ministry of Defense Import
9301.2 Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms of heading 93.07. Rocket launchers; flame-throwers; grenage launchers, torpedo tubes and similar projectors Ministry of Defense Import
9301.9 Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms of heading 93.07. Other Ministry of Defense Import
9303.1 Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge (for example sporting shotguns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, vary pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive bolt humane killers, line- throwing guns). Muzzle-loading firearms Import
9303.2 Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge (for example sporting shotguns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, vary pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive bolt humane killers, line- throwing guns). Other sporting; hunting or target shooting shotguns, including combination shotgun rifles Ministry of Defense Import
9303.3 Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge (for example sporting shotguns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, vary pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive bolt humane killers, line- throwing guns). Other sporting, hunting or target shooting rifles Ministry of Defense Import
9303.9 Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge (for example sporting shotguns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, vary pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive bolt humane killers, line- throwing guns). Other Ministry of Defense Import
9305.1 Parts and accessories of articles of heading 93.01 to 93.04. Of revolvers or pistols Ministry of Defense Import
9305.2 Parts and accessories of articles of heading 93.01 to 93.04. Of shotguns or rifles of heading 93.03 Import
9305.91 Parts and accessories of articles of heading 93.01 to 93.04. Of military weapons of heading 93.01 Import
9305.99 Parts and accessories of articles of heading 93.01 to 93.04. Other Ministry of Defense Import
9306.21 Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof; including shot and cartridge wads. Cartridges Ministry of Defense Import
9306.29 Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof; including shot and cartridge wads. Other Ministry of Defense Import
9306.3 Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof; including shot and cartridge wads. Other cartridges and parts thereof Ministry of Defense Import
9306.9 Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof; including shot and cartridge wads. Other Ministry of Defense or Ministry of Sports Import
10/10/9401 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used Not Applicable Import
9401.20.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.30.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
9401.40.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.52.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.53.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.59.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.61.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.69.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.71.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
9401.79.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.80.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9401.90.10 Seats (other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
10/10/9403 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used Not Applicable Import
9403.20.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.30.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.40.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.50.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.60.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.70.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.82.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.83.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9403.89.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
9403.90.10 Other furniture and parts thereof. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
10/10/9404 Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, puffers and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered. Used Not Applicable Import
9404.21.10 Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, puffers and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered. Used (Suspended License) Not Applicable Import
9404.29.30 Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, puffers and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered. Used (Suspended License)Not Applicable Import
9404.30.10 Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, puffers and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered. Used (Suspended License) Import
9404.90.10 Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, puffers and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered. Used (Suspended License) Import
9503.00.20 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and similar wheeled toys: dolls' carriages: dolls; other toys; reduced size ("scale") models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds.. Dolls, remote controlled Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Import
9503.00.40 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and similar wheeled toys: dolls' carriages: dolls; other toys; reduced size ("scale") models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds.. Remote controlled stuffed toys representing animals or non-human creatures Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Import
9503.00.60 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and similar wheeled toys: dolls' carriages: dolls; other toys; reduced size ("scale") models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds.. Remote controlled electric trains, including tracks, signals and other accessories thereof; reduced size ("scale") model assembly kits, whether or not working models, construction sets and constructional toys, toy musical instruments and apparatus, puzzle Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Import
9503.00.80 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and similar wheeled toys: dolls' carriages: dolls; other toys; reduced size ("scale") models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds.. Other, remote controlled Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Import
9504.30.10 Video game consoles and machines, articles for funfair, table or parlors games, including pintables, billiards, special table for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment. Used / reconditioned (Suspended License ) Ministry of Sports Import
9504.30.90 Video game consoles and machines, articles for funfair, table or parlors games, including pintables, billiards, special table for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment. Other (Suspended License ) Ministry of Sports Import
9504.90.10 Video game consoles and machines, articles for funfair, table or parlors games, including pintables, billiards, special table for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment. Games of chance (Suspended License ) Ministry of Sports Import
9602.00.10 Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials; moulded or carved articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums, or natural resins or of modelling paster, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or included ; worked unhardened gelatine (except gelatine of heading 35.03) and articles of unhardened gelatines. Capsules used in the manufacture of National Medicine Regulatory Authority or Ayurvedic Department or Department of Animal Production and Health or Homeopathy Council Import
507.1 Ivory, tortoise-shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, un worked or simply prepared but not cut to shape; powder and waste of these products. Ivory; ivory powder and waste Export
2620.29 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Other Export
2620.3 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Containing mainly copper Export
2620.4 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals, arsenic or their compounds. Containing mainly aluminum Export
2621.1 Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp); ash and residues from the incineration of municipal Waste. Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste Export
2621.90.10 Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp); ash and residues from the incineration of municipal Waste. Coal-fired power plant fly-ash Export
2621.90.90 Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp); ash and residues from the incineration of municipal Waste. Other Export
4401.11 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Coniferous Export
4401.12 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Non-coniferous Export
4401.21 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Coniferous Export
4401.22 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Non-coniferous Export
Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, agglomerated, in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms : Export
4401.31 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Wood pellets Export
4401.39 Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar Forms. Other Export
Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives : Export
4403.11 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Coniferous Export
4403.12 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Non-coniferous Export
4403.21 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of pine (Pinus spp.), of which any cross- sectional dimension is 15 cm or more Export
4403.22 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of pine (Pinus spp.), other Export
4403.23 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of fir (Abies spp.) and spruce (Picea spp.), of which any cross-sectional dimension is 15 cm or more Export
4403.24 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of fir (Abies spp.) and spruce (Picea spp.), other Export
4403.25 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Other, of which any cross-sectional dimension is 15 cm or more Export
4403.26 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Other Export
Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Other, of tropical wood : Export
4403.41 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau Export
4403.49 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Other Export
4403.91 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of oak (Quercus spp.) Export
4403.93 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of beech (Fagus spp.), of which any cross- sectional dimension is 15 cm or more Export
4403.94 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Of beech (Fagus spp.), other Export
4403.99 Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. Other Export
4404.1 Hoop wood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise; wooden sticks, roughly trimmed but not turned, bent or otherwise worked, suitable for the manufacture of walking-sticks, umbrellas, tool handles or the like; chipwood and the like. Coniferous Export
4404.2 Hoop wood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise; wooden sticks, roughly trimmed but not turned, bent or otherwise worked, suitable for the manufacture of walking-sticks, umbrellas, tool handles or the like; chipwood and the like. Non-coniferous Forest Department Export
4406.11 Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood. Coniferous Export
4406.12 Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood. Non-coniferous Export
4406.91 Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood. Coniferous Export
4406.92 Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood. Non-coniferous Export
4407.11 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of pine (Pinus spp.) Export
4407.12 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of fir (Abies spp.) and spruce (Picea spp.) Export
4407.19 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Other Export
4407.21 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Mahogany (Swietenia spp.) Export
4407.22 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Virola, Imbuia and Balsa Export
4407.25 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Export
4407.26 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, Yellow Meranti and Alan Export
4407.27 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Sapelli Export
4407.28 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Iroko Export
4407.29 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Other Forest Department Export
Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Other : Export
4407.91 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of oak (Quercus spp.) Export
4407.92 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of beech (Fagus spp.) Export
4407.93 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of maple (Acer spp.) Export
4407.94 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of cherry (Prunus spp.) Export
4407.95 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of ash (Fraxinus spp.) Export
4407.99 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Other Export
4407.99.10 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of rubber Export
4407.99.20 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of coconut Export
4407.99.30 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of ebony Forest Department Export
4407.99.90 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Other Forest Department Export
4409.1 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed. Coniferous Export
4409.21 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed. Of bamboo Export
4409.22 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed. Of tropical wood Export
4409.29 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed. Other Export
7201.1 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms. Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0.5% or less of phosphorus Export
7201.2 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms. Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0.5% or less of phosphorus Export
7201.5 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms. Alloy pig iron ; spiegeleisen Export
7203.1 Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction or iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar forms. Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction or iron ore Export
7203.9 Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction or iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99.94%, in lumps, pellets or similar forms. Other Export
7204.1 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Waste and scrap of cast iron Export
7204.21 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Of stainless steel Export
7204.29 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Other Export
7204.3 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel Export
7204.41 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles Export
7204.49 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Other Export
7204.5 Ferrous waste and scrap; re melting scrap ingots of iron or steel. Remelting scrap ingots Export
7205.1 Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel. Granules Export
7205.21 Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel. Of alloy steel Export
7205.29 Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel. Other Export
7206.1 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding iron of heading 72.03) Ingots Export
7206.9 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding iron of heading 72.03) Other Export
11/10/7207 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Billets Export
7207.11.90 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Other Export
12/10/7207 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Billets Export
7207.12.90 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Other Export
7207.19 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Other Export
7207.20.10 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Billets Export
7207.20.90 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel Other Export
7217.1 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel. Not plated or coated, whether or not polished Export
7217.20.10 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel. Wire of a solid cross section in the shape of circles measuring less than 1.6 mm in diameter Export
7217.20.20 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel. Wire of a solid cross section in the shape of circles measuring 1.6 mm in diameter or more but not exceeding 4 mm Export
7217.20.90 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel. Other Export
7218.1 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel. Ingots and other primary forms Export
7218.91 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel. Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section Export
7218.99 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel. Other Export
7224.1 Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms ; semi-finished products of other alloy steel Ingots and other primary forms Export
7224.9 Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms ; semi-finished products of other alloy steel Other Export
7227.1 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel. Of high speed steel Export
7227.2 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel. Of silico-manganese steel Export
7227.9 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel. Other Export
7229.2 Wire of other alloy steel. Of silico-manganese steel Export
7229.9 Wire of other alloy steel. Other Export
7312.1 Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated. Stranded wire, ropes, cables Export
7312.9 Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated. Other Export
7403.11 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Cathodes and sections of cathodes Export
7403.12 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Wire-bars Export
7403.13 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Billets Export
7403.19 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Other Export
7403.21 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Copper - Zinc base alloys (brass) Export
7403.22 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Copper - tin base alloys (bronze) Export
7403.29 Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. Other copper alloys (Other than master alloys of heading 74.05) Export
7406.1 Copper powders and flakes. Powders of non-lamellar structure Export
7406.2 Copper powders and flakes. Powders of non-lamellar structure; flakes Export
7407.1 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of refined copper Export
7407.21 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of copper - zinc base alloys (brass) Export
7407.29 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Other Export
Copper wire. Of refined copper: Export
7408.11 Copper wire. Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 6 mm Export
7408.19 Copper wire. Other Export
7408.21 Copper wire. Of copper - zinc base alloys (brass) Export
7408.22 Copper wire. Of copper - nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper - nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) Export
7408.29 Copper wire. other Export
7409.11 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm In coils Export
7409.19 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm Other Export
7409.21 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm In coils Export
7409.29 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm Other Export
7409.31 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm In coils Export
7409.39 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm Other Export
7409.4 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm Of copper - nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper - nickel - zinc base alloys (nickel silver) Export
7409.9 Copper plates, sheet and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm Other, of copper alloys Export
Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing ) not exceeding 0.15 mm. Not backed: Export
7410.11 Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing ) not exceeding 0.15 mm. Of refined copper Export
7410.12 Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing ) not exceeding 0.15 mm. Of copper alloys Export
7410.21 Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing ) not exceeding 0.15 mm. Of refined copper Export
7410.22 Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing ) not exceeding 0.15 mm. Of copper alloys Export
7603.1 Aluminium powders and flakes. Powders of non-lamellar structure Export
7603.2 Aluminium powders and flakes. Powder of lamellar structure; flakes Export
7604.1 Aluminium bars, rods and profiles. Of aluminium, not alloyed Export
7604.21 Aluminium bars, rods and profiles. Hollow profiles Export
7604.29 Aluminium bars, rods and profiles. Other Export
Aluminium wire. Of aliminium, not alloyed: Export
7605.11 Aluminium wire. Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm Export
7605.19 Aluminium wire. Other Export
7605.21 Aluminium wire. Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm Export
7605.29 Aluminium wire. Other Export
7614.1 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of aluminium not electrically insulated. With steel core Export
7614.9 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of aluminium not electrically insulated. Other Export
7801.1 Unwrought lead. Refined lead Export
7801.91 Unwrought lead. Containing by weight antimony as principal other element Export
7801.99 Unwrought lead. Other Export
Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes. Plates, sheets, strip and foil: Export
7804.11 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes. Sheet, strip and foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) exceeding 2.2 mm Export
7804.19 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes. Other Export
7804.2 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes. Powders and flakes Export
Unwrought zinc. Zinc, not alloyed: Export
7901.11 Unwrought zinc. Containing by weight 99.99% or more of zinc Export
7901.12 Unwrought zinc. Containing by weight less than 99.99% of zinc Export
7901.2 Unwrought zinc. Zinc alloys Export
7903.1 Zinc dust, powders and flakes. Zinc dust Export
7903.9 Zinc dust, powders and flakes. Other Export
8101.97 Tungsten (wolfram) and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8102.97 Molybedenum and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8103.3 Tantalum, and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8104.2 Magnesium and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8105.3 Cobalt matter and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8106.00.10 Bismuth and article thereof, including waste and scrap Waste and scrap Export
8107.3 Cadmium and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8108.3 Titanium and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8109.3 Zirconium and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8110.2 Antimony and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8111.00.10 Manganese and article thereof, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8112.13 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and Scrap Export
8112.22 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8112.52 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap Export
8112.92.10 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap of Germanium, Vanadium, Gallium, Hafnium, Indium, Niobium and Rhenium Export
9601.1 Worked ivory, bone, tortoise-shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of-pearl and other animal carving material, and articles of these materials (including articles obtained by moulding). Worked ivory and articles of ivory Export
0511.91.40 Cuttlefish, squid and milkfish (chano) in small sizes, unfit for human consumption and certified by the Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development for use as fishing baits Department of Animal Production and Health & Department of Fisheries Import
0802.80.10 Fresh (not shelled or peeled) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0802.80.90 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0813.40.10 Tamarind Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.11 Organic Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.19 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.20 Matured Berries of pepper with a density exceeding 450grams per litre Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.30 Other, white Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.90 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.12.10 Crushed Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.12.20 Ground Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.11 Quills cut, in retail packs of 1 kg or less and packed in cases Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.12 Other quills Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.13 Qullings (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.14 Featherings (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.15 Chips (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.19 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.91 Quills cut, in retail packs of 1 kg or less and packed in cases Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.92 Other quills Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.93 Qullings Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.94 Featherings Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.95 Chips Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.99 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.19.00 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.20.10 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) crushed Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.20.20 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) ground Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.20.90 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.11 Wormy and Punky Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.19 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.91 Wormy and Punky Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.99 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.12.10 Broken Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.12.90 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.21.00 Neither crushed nor ground Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.22.00 Crushed or ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
2710.12.21 Petrol having Octane number of 92 Minstry of Petrolium Import
2710.12.22 Petrol having Octane number of 95 Minstry of Petrolium Import
2710.12.29 Other Minstry of Petrolium Import
2710.19.41 Super Diesel that contains Sulphur not exceeding 10mg/kg (ppm) Minstry of Petrolium Import
2710.19.42 Other Diesel that contains Sulphur exceeding 10mg/kg (ppm) but not exceeding 500mg/kg (ppm) Minstry of Petrolium Import
2710.19.49 Other Minstry of Petrolium Import
2903.39.11 Trifluoromethane (HFC-23) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.12 Difluoromethane (HFC-32) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.13 Fluoromethane (HFC-41), 1,2-difluoroethane (HFC-152) and 1,1-difluoroethane (HFC- 152a) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.14 Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125), 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HFC-143a) and 1,1,2- trifluoroethane (HFC-143) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.15 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) and 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.16 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea), 1,1,1,2,2,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC- 36cb), 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea) and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236fa) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.17 1,1,1,3,3,-Pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) and 1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245ca) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.18 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc) and 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane (HFC-43-10mee) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.19 Other Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2903.39.31 Methyl bromide (bromomethane) Cental Envirnment Authority (CEA) Import
2903.39.39 Other Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
2933.59.10 Diazinon Registrar of Pesticides Import
2933.59.90 Other Registrar of Pesticides Import
3824.78.11 Containing trifluoromethane (HFC-23 ) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
3824.78.21 Containing 15% or more by mass of 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HFC-143a) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
3824.78.23 Other, not included in the subheadings above, containing 40% or more by mass of pentafluoroethane (HFC- 125) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
3824.78.25 Other, not included in the subheadings above, containing 20% or more by mass of difliuoromethane (HFC-32) and 20% or more by mass of pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
3824.78.29 Other Issue ICL without recommendation until 01.09.2023 Import
3825.20.00 Sewage sludge Cenratl Environment Authority (CEA) & Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) Import
8704.90.41 Capacity of motors not exceeding 50kW (Suspended License) Import
8704.90.42 Capacity of motors exceeding 50Kw, but not exceeding 100kW (Suspended License) Import
8704.90.43 Capacity of motors exceeding 100kW,But not exceeding 200kW (Suspended License) Import
8704.90.44 Capacity of motors exceeding 200kW (Suspended License) Import
0713.31.22 Split Department of Agricuture Import
0713.31.29 Other Department of Agriculture Import
0802.80.10 Fresh (not shelled or peeled) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0802.80.90 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0813.40.10 Tamarind Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.11 Organic Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.19 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.20 Matured Berries of pepper with a density exceeding 450 grams per litre Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.30 Other, white Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.11.90 Other Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.12.10 Crushed Department of Export Agriculture Import
0904.12.20 Ground Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.11 Quills cut, in retail packs of 1 kg or less and packed in cases Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.12 Other quills (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.13 Qullings (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.14 Featherings Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.15 Chips Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.19 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.91 Quills cut, in retail packs of 1 kg or less and packed in cases (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.92 Other quills (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.93 Qullings (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.94 Featherings (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.95 Chips (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.11.99 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.19.00 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.20.10 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) crushed (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.20.20 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0906.20.90 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.10.11 Whole fruit (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.10.12 Cloves (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.10.13 Stems (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.10.91 Whole fruit (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.10.92 Cloves (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.10.93 Stems (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0907.20.00 Crushed or ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.00 Neither crushed nor ground: (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.11 Wormy and Punky (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.19 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.91 Wormy and Punky (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.11.99 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.12.10 Broken (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.12.90 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.21.00 Neither crushed nor ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.22.00 Crushed or ground Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.31.00 Neither crushed nor ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0908.32.00 Crushed or ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0910.11.10 Dried (Suspended License) ICL should be issued under the recommendation of Department of Ayurveda for purpose of production of Ayurvedic Medicine until 31.12.2020. If the purpose is other than production of Ayuvedic Medicine the recommendation of Department of Import
0910.11.90 Other (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0910.12.00 Crushed or ground (Suspended License) Department of Export Agriculture Import
0910.30.10 Neither crushed nor ground (Suspended License) ICL should be issued under the recommendation of Department of Export Agriculture and certificate of Sri Lanka Standard Institution should be taken at the time of Debit Import
0910.30.90 Other (Suspended License) ICL should be issued under the recommendation of Department of Export Agriculture and certificate of Sri Lanka Standard Institution should be taken at the time of Debit Import
9503.00.90 Other (Kites only) (Suspended License )Decided to issue the ICL only for the special occasions & Application should not be recived without approval of relevant Staff Officer Import
3307.4100 "Agarbatti" and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning (Suspended License) Recommending Authority will be informed later Import
9503.00.90 Other (Kites only) (Suspended License ) Decided to issue the ICL only for the special occasions & Application should not be recived without approval of relevant Staff Officer Import
9505.9000 Other ( Lanterns/ Vesak Lanterns only) (Suspended License ) Decided not to issue ICL Import
0206.10 Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.21 Tongues Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.22 Livers Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.29 Other Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.30 Of swine, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.41 Livers Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0206.80 Other, fresh or chilled Department of Animal Production and Health Import
0102.29.00 Other Import
0102.31.00 Pure-bred breeding animals Import
0102.39.00 Other Import
0102.90.00 Other Import
0103.10.00 Pure-bred breeding animals Import
0103.91.00 Weighing less than 50 kg Import
0103.92.00 Weighing 50 kg or more Import
0106.11.00 Primates Import
0106.12.00 Whales, dolphins and porpoises (Mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) Import
0106.13.00 Camels and other camelids (Camelidae) Import
0106.14.00 Rabbits and hares Import
0106.20.00 Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) : Import
0106.31.00 Birds of prey : Import
0106.32.00 Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) : Import
0106.33.00 Ostriches; emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) Import
0106.39.00 Other : Import
0106.90.00 Other : Import
0201.10.00 Carcasses and half-carcasses Import
0201.20.00 Other cuts with bone in Import
0201.30.00 Boneless Import
0202.10.00 Carcasses and half-carcasses Import
0202.20.00 Other cuts with bone in Import
0202.30.00 Boneless Import
0204.10.00 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled Import
0204.21.00 Carcasses and half-carcasses Import
0204.22.00 Other cuts with bone in Import
0204.23.00 Boneless Import
0204.30.00 Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, frozen Import
0204.41.00 Carcasses and half-carcasses Import
0204.42.00 Other cuts with bone in Import
0204.43.00 Boneless Import
0204.50.00 Meat of goats Import
0206.49.00 Other Import
0206.90.00 Other, frozen Import
0208.30.00 Of primates Import
0208.40.00 Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) Import
0208.60.00 Of camels and other camelids (Camelidae) Import
0210.20.00 Meat of bovine animals Import
0210.91.00 Of primates Import
0210.92.00 Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia) Import
0210.93.00 Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) Import
0210.99.00 Other Import
0408.11.00 Dried Import
0408.91.00 Dried Import
0504.00.00 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked. Import
0511.99.70 Operculum of chicoreas ramosus (Nakla or operculum of murex) Import
1007.90.00 Other Import
1503.00.00 Lard stearin, lard oil, oleosterarin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified or mixed or otherwise prepared Import
1511.90.10 Serial fractions at room temperature (palm stearin) Import
1511.90.30 Crude palm olein Import
1511.90.90 ther (refined bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein only) Import
1522.00.00 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes. Import
1601.00.00 Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparation based on these products Import
1603.00.00 Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic invertebrates Import
1701.12.10 Having polarimeter reading of more than or equal to 990 and less than 99.50(200 Import
1701.12.90 Other, having polarimeter reading less than 990 (ICUMSAvalue >1500) Import
1701.13.00 Cane sugar specified in Subheading Note 2 to this Chapter Import
1701.14.10 Having polarimeter reading of more than or equal to 990 and less than 99.50(200 Import
1701.14.90 Other, having polarimeter reading less than 990 (ICUMSAvalue >1500) Import
1701.91.30 Having polarimeter reading of more than or equal to 99 o and less than 99.50 ( Import
1701.91.90 Having polarimeter reading less than 990 ( ICUMSA value >1500) Import
1701.99.90 Other Import
1802.00.00 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste. Import
2501.00.00 Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water. Import
2504.10.10 Waste Import
2505.10.10 Waste Import
2618.00.00 Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacturer of iron or steel. Import
2619.00.00 Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacturer of iron or steel. Import
2710.12.10 Aviation spirit Import
2710.12.30 Motor spirit other than petrol Import
2807.00.00 Sulphuric acid; oleum. Import
2842.90.30 Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanatees Import
2850.00.00 Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading 28.49 Import
2902.30.00 Toluene Import
2903.39.21 Fluoroethane (HFC-161) Import
2903.39.22 1,1- Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) Import
2903.39.23 1,2- Difluoroethane (HFC-152) Import
2903.39.24 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane (HFC-143a) Import
2903.39.25 1,1,2- Trifluoroethane (HFC-143) Import
2903.39.26 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) Import
2903.39.27 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134) Import
2903.39.28 Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) Import
2903.39.32 1,1,2,2,3- Pentafluoropropane (HFC-245ca) Import
2903.39.33 1,1,1,3,3,3- Hexafluoropropane (HFC-236fa) Import
2903.39.34 1,1,1,2,3,3- Hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea) Import
2903.39.35 1,1,1,2,2,3- Hexafluoropropane (HFC-236cb) Import
2903.39.36 1,1,1,2,3,3- Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea) Import
2903.39.41 1,1,1,3,3- Pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc) Import
2903.39.42 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-Decafluoropentane (HFC-43-10mee) Import
2931.39.10 N-(Phosphonomethyl) Glycine and its salts and derevatives (Glyphospate) Import
3101.00.00 Animal or vegetable fertilizers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products. Import
3503.00.00 Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 35.01. Import
3601.00.00 Propellant powders. Import
3602.00.00 Prepared explosives, other than propellent powders. Import
3802.10.10 Spent Import
3808.59.91 Mosquito Mats Import
3808.59.92 Aerosol and refills for vaporizers Import
3808.59.99 Other Import
3808.61.10 Mosquito coils Import
3808.61.20 Mosquito Mats Import
3808.61.30 Aerosol and refills for vaporizers Import
3808.61.90 Other Import
3808.62.10 Mosquito coils Import
3808.62.20 Mosquito Mats Import
3808.62.30 Aerosol and refills for vaporizers Import
3808.62.90 Other Import
3808.91.30 Mosquito Mats Import
3808.91.40 Aerosol and refills for vaporizers Import
3808.93.20 N-(Phosphonomrthyl) Glycine and its salts and derivatives [Glyphosate] Import
3824.74.10 Containing saturated fluorinated derivatives of methanes (F=1 to 3), ethanes (F=2 to 5) and propanes (F=5 to 7), 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc) and 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-Decafluoropentane (HFC-43-10mee) Import
3824.74.20 Other, containing substances of subheadings 2903.71 to 2903.75 Import
3824.74.90 Other Import
3824.75.00 Containing carbon tetrachloride Import
3824.77.00 Containing bromomethane (methyl bromide ) or bromochloromethane Import
3824.78.22 R-407B (R-32 10%, R-125 70% and R-134a Import
3824.78.31 R-410A (R-32 50% and R-125 50% ) Import
3824.78.41 R-507A(R-125 50% and R-143a 50%) Import
3824.78.51 R-508A (R-23 39% R-116 61% ) Import
3824.78.52 R-508B (R-23 46% and R-116 54% ) Import
3824.79.00 Other Import
4707.90.00 Other including unsorted waste and scrap Import
5003.00.00 Silk wastage (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garneted stock) Import
5608.11.10 Of monofilament Import
5804.10.11 Of monofilament Import
6203.12.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.12.19 Other Import
6203.12.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.19.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.19.19 Other Import
6203.19.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.22.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.22.19 Other Import
6203.22.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.23.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.23.19 Other Import
6203.23.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.29.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.29.19 Other Import
6203.29.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.32.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.32.19 Other Import
6203.32.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.33.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.33.19 Other Import
6203.33.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.39.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.39.19 Other Import
6203.39.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.39.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.39.19 Other Import
6203.39.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.42.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.42.19 Other Import
6203.42.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.43.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.43.19 Other Import
6203.43.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6203.49.11 Printed by batik process Import
6203.49.19 Other Import
6203.49.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.12.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.12.19 Other Import
6204.12.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.13.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.13.19 Other Import
6204.13.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.19.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.19.19 Other Import
6204.19.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.22.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.22.19 Other Import
6204.22.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.23.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.23.19 Other Import
6204.23.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.29.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.29.19 Other Import
6204.29.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.32.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.32.19 Other Import
6204.32.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.33.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.33.19 Other Import
6204.33.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.39.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.39.19 Other Import
6204.39.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.42.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.42.19 Other Import
6204.42.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.43.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.43.19 Other Import
6204.43.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.44.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.44.19 Other Import
6204.44.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.49.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.49.19 Other Import
6204.49.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.52.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.52.19 Other Import
6204.52.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.53.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.53.19 Other Import
6204.53.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.59.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.59.19 Other Import
6204.59.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.62.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.62.19 Other Import
6204.62.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.63.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.63.19 Other Import
6204.63.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6204.69.11 Printed by batik process Import
6204.69.19 Other Import
6204.69.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6205.20.11 Printed by batik process Import
6205.20.19 Other Import
6205.20.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6205.30.11 Printed by batik process Import
6205.30.19 Other Import
6205.30.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6205.90.11 Printed by batik process Import
6205.90.19 Other Import
6205.90.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6206.10.11 Printed by batik process Import
6206.10.19 Other Import
6206.10.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6206.30.11 Printed by batik process Import
6206.30.19 Other Import
6206.30.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6206.40.11 Printed by batik process Import
6206.40.19 Other Import
6206.40.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6206.90.11 Printed by batik process Import
6206.90.19 Other Import
6206.90.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6207.21.11 Printed by batik process Import
6207.21.19 Other Import
6207.21.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6207.22.11 Printed by batik process Import
6207.22.19 Other Import
6207.22.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6207.29.11 Printed by batik process Import
6207.29.19 Other Import
6207.29.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6207.91.11 Printed by batik process Import
6207.91.19 Other Import
6207.91.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6207.99.11 Printed by batik process Import
6207.99.19 Other Import
6207.99.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.11.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.11.19 Other Import
6208.11.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.19.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.19.19 Other Import
6208.19.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.21.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.21.19 Other Import
6208.21.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.22.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.22.19 Other Import
6208.22.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.29.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.29.19 Other Import
6208.29.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.91.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.91.19 Other Import
6208.91.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.92.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.92.19 Other Import
6208.92.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6208.99.11 Printed by batik process Import
6208.99.19 Other Import
6208.99.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.32.11 Printed by batik process Import
6211.32.19 Other Import
6211.32.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.33.11 Printed by batik process Import
6211.33.19 Other Import
6211.33.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.39.11 Printed by batik process Import
6211.39.19 Other Import
6211.39.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.42.11 Saree, Printed by batik process Import
6211.42.12 Saree, Other Import
6211.42.13 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.42.91 Saree, Printed by batik process Import
6211.42.93 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.43.11 Saree, Printed by batik process Import
6211.43.12 Saree, Other Import
6211.43.13 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.43.91 Saree, Printed by batik process Import
6211.43.93 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.49.00 Of other textile materials : Import
6211.49.11 Saree, Printed by batik process Import
6211.49.12 Saree, Other Import
6211.49.13 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6211.49.91 Saree, Printed by batik process Import
6211.49.93 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6213.20.11 Printed by batik process Import
6213.20.19 Other Import
6213.20.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6213.90.11 Printed by batik process Import
6213.90.19 Other Import
6213.90.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6214.10.11 Printed by batik process Import
6214.10.19 Other Import
6214.10.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6214.30.11 Printed by batik process Import
6214.30.19 Other Import
6214.30.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6214.40.11 Printed by batik process Import
6214.40.19 Other Import
6214.40.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6214.90.11 Printed by batik process Import
6214.90.19 Other Import
6214.90.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6302.21.11 Printed by batik process
6302.21.19 Other Import
6302.21.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6302.22.11 Printed by batik process Import
6302.22.19 Other Import
6302.22.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6302.29.11 Printed by batik process Import
6302.29.19 Other Import
6302.29.20 Other, Printed by batik process Import
6302.31.10 woven by Handloom Import
6302.32.10 woven by Handloom Import